Wednesday, May 19, 2010

As chic as Meryl Streep

Meant to run for 40 ish minutes last night but we ended up running for 1:20. Oops! We did some exploring and mostly I just underestimated the trail. No worries though since we were loving the fresh air and tranquil forest. Must admit that the two of us are very wary of bears and we clapped and hooted and hollered a lot. A very lot. Hey, man, once you've had a bear RUN INTO YOU (or 2 bears, come running full tilt around a corner at you) then you'll do whatever it takes to not startle a bear again. And so we hooted and hollered our way through the trails and ended up in one two pieces..two intact pieces at our cars!

Just watched "It's complicated". Very funny. Alec Baldwin, THE Meryl Streep and Steve Martin, how can you go wrong really? I can only dream that I'm one fifth as chic as Meryl Streep in 25 years.